Scypha gelatinosum green finger sponge
Scypha gelatinosum Scypha gelatinosum is a species of freshwater sponge, also known as the “green finger sponge” or “jelly sponge”. It belongs to the phylum...
9 phylum name
9 Phylun name Image source Chordata: This phylum includes all animals with a notochord or backbone, such as fish, birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians. Arthropoda:...
Examples of Porifera common example
Examples of Porifera Calcareous sponges (Calcarea): These are small, vase-shaped sponges that have a calcareous skeleton. They are found in shallow waters and often have...
Cnidaria Characteristics of Cnidarian
Characteristics of Cnidaria Cnidaria is a phylum of marine animals that includes jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, and hydroids. Here are some of the main characteristics...
Phylum porifera characteristics
Phylum Porifera Characteristics Porifera is a phylum of animals commonly known as sponges. They are multicellular and mostly marine organisms that lack true tissues and...